Subject Registries Reduce Duplicate Subjects Entering CNS Studies
Verified Clinical Trials (VCT) is the global research subject database registry utilized across all phases of clinical trials research to prevent duplicate subjects and other key protocol violations. Data shows that a research subject registry will detect and prevent duplicate subjects and other protocol violations. Up to 10% in CNS clinical trials and much higher
Case Study: Duplicate Subjects In Clinical Trials Cause Failure To Meet Endpoints
Your clinical trial is not meeting it’s endpoints and upon review, you detect there are duplicate subjects in your study. You and your teams spend several months trying to weed out these duplicate subjects. A new study must be performed. We hear this all the time. It occurs across most therapeutic indications and across the
Key Research Sites In Germany Join Verified Clinical Trials Research Subject Registry To Prevent Duplicate Subjects & Over Enrollment To Improve Safety & Data Quality
Several premier research centers in Germany have led the initiative and joined the global Verified Clinical Trials (VCT) research subject database registry to prevent duplicate subjects and other important protocol violations in an effort to improve safety and data quality in their clinical trials. Key research sites in Germany join Verified Clinical Trials to prevent
Understanding Research Subjects Behaviors & Travel Habits: Duplicate Subjects In CNS Clinical Trials
Verified Clinical Trials (VCT) presented a poster at the ASCP meeting in Phoenix May 2019, detailing travel habits and distances specifically in CNS clinical trials. Bottom line: In many instances, research subjects travel large distances to become duplicate subjects in CNS clinical trials. A research subject database is needed to prevent duplicate subjects and many
Verified Clinical Trials Partners With The STARR Coalition To Promote Advocacy And Reduce Duplicate Subjects In CNS Clinical Trials
Verified Clinical Trials (VCT) the leading global research subject database registry has teamed up with the STARR Coalition to create Project RockSTARR. The initiative allows sponsors to have research subjects that screen for a clinical trial donate a pre-allocated amount of money to local advocacy group of their choice. Advocacy and duplicate subject prevention in
No Specific Characteristics Of A Duplicate Subject And A Research Subject Database Is Required
Without a “tool” such as the Verified Clinical Trials (VCT) global research subjects database registry, detecting duplicate subjects and protocol violations based upon prior study history or prior study drug (IP) exposure is impossible. VCT proactively detects these issues at the time of screening before costly screening procedures occur. The protections continue the entire duration