Protect Your Clinical Trials Against Duplicate Subjects and Professional Research Subjects
If you protect your computers against malware and viruses, why not protect your clinical trials from duplicate subjects that cause data quality and safety issues as well as failed clinical trials? Verified Clinical Trials (VCT) is the leading global research subject database to prevent duplicate subjects in clinical trials also known as professional research subjects.
Duplicate Subjects In CNS Clinical Trials and Other Therapeutic Areas Prevented With Verified Clinical Trials Research Subject Database Registry
From phase 1 through phase 4 drug development, the issue of duplicate subjects in clinical trials exists. Verified Clinical Trials (VCT). is here to prevent these issues and promote safety and data quality. Duplicate subjects in CNS clinical trials is especially needed, but VCT protects most therapeutic areas. Characteristics of duplicate subjects are not
Strategies to Combat Research Participant Dishonesty/Deception, Non-adherence, and Professional Subjects Using Verified Clinical Trials
Verified Clinical Trials (VCT) will be attending ASCP and will host a panel session: Bad Behavior in Clinical Trials: Strategies to Combat Research Participant Dishonesty/Deception, Non-adherence, and Professional Research Subjects. Verified Clinical Trials prevents duplicate subjects in clinical trials. The largest research subject database registry for CNS clinical trials and all other therapeutic areas #duplicatesubjects
Verified Clinical Trials (VCT) will be exhibiting again at the EUFEMED meeting in France May 15-17. VCT is the global research subject database registry utilized by phase 1- phase 4 clinical trials across the globe. VCT prevents over enrollment or duplicate subjects as well as many other key protocol violations to promote safety and data
The Verified Clinical Trials Research Subject Registry Reduces Duplicate Subjects And Professional Research Subjects In CNS Clinical Trials
The Verified Clinical Trials Research Subject Registry Reduces Duplicate Subjects And Professional Research Subjects In CNS Clinical Trials. Verified Clinical Trials is a global research subject database registry. The registry is used by thousands of research sites across the US and in Europe to prevent many protocol deviations and most importantly, duplicate subjects in clinical
Characteristics Of Professional Research Subjects and Duplicate Subjects In CNS and Other Clinical Trials Prevented By Verified Clinical Trials
Professional research subjects or duplicate subjects in clinical trials cause safety concerns and poor quality data. The Verified Clinical Trials global research subject database registry is a tool to detect duplicate subjects and prevents many protocol violations proactively at the time of screening. What we have learned from experience and analytical data review over the