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World’s Largest and Most Comprehensive Research Subject Database Of Its Kind

The Most Widely Used Global Verification Service


VCT is by far the most widely used research subject verification service in the world and the only one of its kind. VCT is a global research subjects database registry and now operates in 50 countries. While VCT is utilized every day by the great majority of phase 1 units, VCT boasts the world’s largest and most comprehensive global research subject database encompassing phase II through phase IV clinical trials across multiple therapeutic indications. VCT offers the ability to follow your compound or investigational product from the phase 1 unit all the way through the development process. VCT is the largest and most comprehensive database of its kind, and the only database to cover phase I through phase IV globally.

The Largest CNS Database Worldwide


VCT is the world’s expert and leader when it comes to CNS and psychiatry clinical trials. Verified Clinical Trials is proud to state that the majority of sponsors conducting clinical trials in CNS and psychiatry utilize the Verified Clinical Trials global registry to detect and prevent duplicate subjects and professional research subjects around the world. VCT boasts the largest CNS and psychiatry clinical trials research subject database registry both in the United States and rest of world. The registry spans across the United States and 50 countries worldwide. There is no other company or system like Verified Clinical Trials.

Compliant with special regulatory processes in multiple countries around the world


Verified Clinical Trials has a proprietary system in place that has allowed the registry to operate in more than 50 countries around the globe. VCT continues to work with numerous ethics committees and regulators so that it may bring improved safety and data quality to the sponsors that conduct clinical trials around the world. No country or region is immune to the potential protocol violations such as duplicate enrollment and others.  VCT’s global coverage includes phase I and phase II and phase III studies across multiple therapeutic indications.  Detecting duplicate research subjects, or professional research subjects in clinical trials at the time of screening and continuing the protections then entire duration of the trial.