Duplicate Or Professional Research Subjects Result In Failed Clinical Trials
Duplicate or professional research subjects can be the silent killer of your clinical trial. The issue exists in all phases of clinical trials research, across the globe and across most therapeutic areas. As the data grows, we realize how important it is to use the Verified Clinical Trials (VCT) research subject registry to prevent these
What if… Professional Research Subjects and Duplicate Subjects In Your Clinical Trials
WHAT IF 10% of your research subjects for your clinical trial were duplicate subjects or professional research subjects, participating in other clinical trials simultaneously, not taking the study IP, providing false answers to the coordinator just to try and stay in the study, and currently in a phase 1 healthy volunteer study at the same
Verified Clinical Trials Sees Progress In The Understanding and Acceptance of Duplicate Subjects In Clinical Trials
We have seen tremendous progress within the clinical trials research industry in understanding the scope of the issue with duplicate subjects in clinical trials or professional research subjects over the past few years. Verified Clinical Trials (VCT) provides an easy to implement cost-savings approach to prevent duplicate subjects and other important protocol violations in your
Verified Clinical Trials (VCT) is excited to be conducting the First Annual European VCT Congress on 28th November in Munich, Germany
Verified Clinical Trials (VCT) is excited to be conducting the First Annual European VCT Congress on 28th November in Munich, Germany. The meeting will include many of our current and future users of the VCT research subject database registry to prevent duplicate subjects in clinical trials and as well as other protocol violations. The workshop
Subject Registries Reduce Duplicate Subjects Entering CNS Studies
Verified Clinical Trials (VCT) is the global research subject database registry utilized across all phases of clinical trials research to prevent duplicate subjects and other key protocol violations. Data shows that a research subject registry will detect and prevent duplicate subjects and other protocol violations. Up to 10% in CNS clinical trials and much higher
Case Study: Duplicate Subjects In Clinical Trials Cause Failure To Meet Endpoints
Your clinical trial is not meeting it’s endpoints and upon review, you detect there are duplicate subjects in your study. You and your teams spend several months trying to weed out these duplicate subjects. A new study must be performed. We hear this all the time. It occurs across most therapeutic indications and across the