Verified Clinical Trials (VCT) is excited to be conducting the First Annual European VCT Congress on 28th November in Munich, Germany. The meeting will include many of our current and future users of the VCT research subject database registry to prevent duplicate subjects in clinical trials and as well as other protocol violations. The workshop is intended for phase 1 as well as phase 2/3 multi site clinical trial stakeholders who are committed to improving research subject safety and data quality. Verified Clinical Trials prevents duplicate subjects in European clinical trials as well as around the world in numerous countries. VCT has conducted hundreds of clinical trials in Europe and has excellent metrics on the issue of duplicate subjects in Europe. This data will be presented at the BVMA meeting which takes place the following day at the same hotel.
Use of research subject database reduces duplicate subjects and mitigates the issue of professional research subjects in clinical trials.
Please contact us at if you wish to attend or learn more. clinicalresearch verifiedclinicaltrials #duplicatesubjects