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Verified Clinical Trials Sees Progress In The Understanding and Acceptance of Duplicate Subjects In Clinical Trials

We have seen tremendous progress within the clinical trials research industry in understanding the scope of the issue with duplicate subjects in clinical trials  or professional research subjects over the past few years.  Verified Clinical Trials (VCT) provides an easy to implement cost-savings approach to prevent duplicate subjects and other important protocol violations in your clinical trials.  The issue is a significant one and results in failure of a clinical trial or safety issues.

The issue of duplicate subjects in CNS clinical trials or duplicate subjects in psychiatry clinical trials has been well understood.  But the issue is pervasive across all phases of clinical trials research and most therapeutic areas.  When CNS sites cooperate to mitigate the issue of duplicate subjects and use the Verified Clinical Trials research subject database registry, the entire research community benefits.

Learn more by contacting one of our representatives at or by calling +1.516.998.7499

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