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Verified Clinical Trials Describes Technology To Prevent Dual Enrollment & Medicare Secondary Payer Law Compliance At Inaugural 2013 CenterWatch Conference

Verified Clinical Trials To Present At The iiBIG Centerwatch Conference On Dual Enrollment In Clinical Trials And Medicare Secondary Payer Law Compliance Solutions
Verified Clinical Trials To Present At The iiBIG Centerwatch Conference On Dual Enrollment In Clinical Trials And Medicare Secondary Payer Law Compliance Solutions

Verified Clinical Trials was a presenter and exhibitor at the inaugural CenterWatch conference in Boston May 20th 2013.  Verified Clinical Trials discussed the ability of new technology to improve clinical trial safety & data integrity as well as compliance with federal laws.  VCT’s clinical trial database registry to prevent dual enrollment  was presented to clinical trial sponsors, CROS and research sites. VCT’s de-identified and HIPAA compliant system is aimed at improving the clinical trial safety and data quality by preventing poor quality research subjects from screening and enrolling in clinical trials.  In addition, VCT has the ability to capture the necessary information and perform the proper reporting to maintain Medicare Secondary Law compliance for the clinical trial sponsor. Experts in clinical research, Medicare billing, and collection of PII, VCT is uniquely positioned to handle the necessary reporting of adverse events to Medicare.

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