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Study Scavenger Mobile Phone App To Boost Clinical Trial Recruitment

Verified Clinical Trial’s Study Scavenger Improves Clinical Trial Recruitment

Verified Clinical Trials offers the Study Scavenger mobile phone app for free to all of it’s partners and users of the VCT clinical trial database registry.  While promoting clinical trial safety and improved data quality, VCT is determined to help sites with recruitment of good quality research subjects.  Study Scavenger continues to partner with strategic companies that will boost the overall exposure of the app to further elevate the utility of this tool.  

Individuals attempting to search for a trial simply enter the disease entity they wish to screen for as well as the distance they are willing to travel.   The app will display the appropriate centers conducting those trials that best fit the potential research volunteers needs. 

Mobile phone apps have become the best method to reach potential study participants.

Call Verified Clinical Trails today at 516 998-7499 to learn more or visit us on the web