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Duplicate subjects or professional research subjects are many times the silent killer in your clinical trials

Duplicate subjects in clinical trials result in increased placebo rates and poor quality data. This is oftentimes the silent killer of your study. (VCT) is the global research subject database registry that is utilized by countless sites and sponsors worldwide. 

Duplicate subjects in clinical trials cause safety and dat quality issues.  They drive up the cost by screening and enrolling subjects that are poor quality that truly are ineligible.  VCT prevents these issues at the time of screening and protects them the entire duration of the study.  Costly screenings for ineligible subjects are prevented thereby saving the site, sponsor, and CRO time and money.  Many studies and programs have saved hundreds of thousands of dollars by using VCT.

Placebo rates are increased by professional research subjects that never even take study IP and provide false answers.  VCT helps by excluding duplicate subjects.