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What We Do

Verified Clinical Trials helps sponsors detect duplicate and professional subjects, and other important protocol violations.

Detect & Prevent Duplicate and Professional Research Subjects

Prevent Clinical Trial Failure, and Reduce Your Cost

Reduce Placebo Response & Adverse Events

Select Better Quality Research Subjects and Research Sites

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Discover how much money can be saved in your clinical trial by preventing duplicate subjects and protocol violations.​

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Discover how much money can be saved in your clinical trial by preventing duplicate subjects and protocol violations.

Detect & Prevent Duplicate and Professional Research Subjects

Prevent at time of screening.

Verified Clinical Trials is a patented, global database that detects and prevents duplicate and professional research subjects at the time of screening.

Protect your clinical trials from failure, while saving significant funding.

Prevent Clinical Trial Failure, and Reduce Your Cost

Since Verified Clinical Trials is able to detect duplicate in professional subjects at the time of screening, costly screening visits are prevented for poor quality ineligible research  subjects. For each ineligible subject that is prevented, this saves thousands of dollars. The cost for ineligible or poor quality subject to complete the trial is even more expensive.

Verified Clinical Trials help select a better-quality subject that needs the inclusion exclusion criteria of your study.  Should the study need to be repeated this can cost millions of dollars. Verified Clinical Trials can help prevent these issues.

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Reduce Placebo Rates and Adverse Events

Imagine that upwards of 10% or more of your research participants are providing fake answers to the study coordinator. Study subjects that are untruthful about their concurrent participation in another drug trial are far more likely to report inaccurate efficacy results. Professional subjects may report efficacy simply to legitimize their participation for site staff. This false efficacy reporting is detrimental to the active comparator efficacy results and will raise placebo rates. Alternatively, if a research subject is participating in the same study at multiple sites because they fear they may be on placebo or low dose, they may be receiving too large a dose that may result in adverse events. Furthermore, we witness research subjects moving between various clinical trials across different therapeutic indications again ingesting investigational products with unknown interactions with other investigational products. This ultimately affects efficacy rates, placebo rates, and the incidence of adverse events. These issues can result in a clinical trials failure. By using the Verified Clinical Trials research subject database registry to prevent duplicate subjects and professional subjects, you can mitigate these issues.

Select Better Quality Research Subjects and Research Sites

Verified Clinical Trials has the ability to prevent duplicate subjects and professional research subjects globally and select better quality subjects. But Verified Clinical Trials also has unique access to research site performance metrics with regard to screening and enrolling subjects.  Verified Clinical Trials can help you select or add additional research sites to help screen and enroll your clinical trial in a more efficient manner.  Verified Clinical Trials can help find sites with access to certain populations of patience, high enrolling sites, and those with fewer screen fails and early terminations. Contact us to learn more about the unique capabilities that Verified Clinical Trials has to help make your clinical trial a success.