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Verified Clinical Trials and The STARR Coalition Join Forces To Advocate For Mental Health Care

The STARR Coalition today announced their partnership with Verified Clinical Trials in an ongoing effort to create meaningful change by increasing communication, partnerships and goodwill among stakeholders in the areas of treatment, advocacy, and pharmaceutical research with emphasis on consumers and patients’ mental health well-being.
Both organizations are dedicated to promoting patient and research subject safety as well as improved data quality in clinical trials focused on mental health. The two companies will collaborate to inspire their colleagues in medicine and clinical trials research to support patients with serious mental health conditions.
“We are thrilled to have been selected and partner with the STARR Coalition,” said Dr. Mitchell Efros, CEO of VCT. “Our partnership will allow both companies to work together and take big steps forward in improving the safety and data quality in mental health clinical trials.”
Kerri Weingard, COO of Verified Clinical Trials added, “Verified Clinical Trials is committed to improving the experience and safety in clinical trials. We are intensely focused on CNS clinical trials, and in particular psychiatric clinical studies where we see one of the biggest need and utilization of our technology. We are working towards a single database registry that will benefit all mental health clinical trials and the entire research co