Verified Clinical Trials (VCT) will be exhibiting again at the EUFEMED meeting in France May 15-17. VCT is the global research subject database registry utilized by phase 1- phase 4 clinical trials across the globe. VCT prevents over enrollment or duplicate subjects as well as many other key protocol violations to promote safety and data integrity.
Duplicate subjects or over enrollment in healthy volunteer clinical trials is a significant issue that results in safety and data quality issues. This issue occurs worldwide and spans all phases of clinical trials research and multiple therapeutic indications. Use of a research subject registry to prevent duplicate subjects is the only way to ensure your studies are not affected by these issues. Verified Clinical Trials is by far the largest clinical trials research subject database registry to prevent duplicate subjects in CNS and psychiatry clinical trials as well as healthy volunteer studies. The registry is used across the world.
Come visit us or contact VCT at