Interest in decentralized clinical trials has increased and has become quite popular. The adoption of these methods became acutely more appealing and necessary during the pandemic. Many research sites and clinical trial sponsors have adopted decentralized clinical trial methods.
But decentralized clinical trials also come with unique challenges. To keep clinical trials safe, compliant, and effective, sponsors, CROs, and research sites need to think carefully about the potential risks of decentralized trials and how they will avoid or minimize them. One of these inherent and serious pitfalls are the professional research subjects and duplicate subjects in clinical trials, especially in decentralized or hybrid-type clinical trials.
Decentralized trials should put participants first. And in many ways they do. Patients who are coping with an illness often appreciate being able to send data from their homes instead of driving to the research site for every appointment.
Decentralized trials can also serve participants who live hours away from research sites and can help hourly workers who cannot take time off for appointments. However, in many instances contact with the research subject is limited. For these types of trials as well as registry clinical trials, the true and exact identity of the subject may not be verified and the site may not be as familiar with the research subject or know the subject at all.
Patients who do not have reliable personal access to the research site or research coordinator may choose to screen and enroll in the same or different concurrent clinical trials. That’s why it’s important to embrace a research subject database registry such as Verified Clinical Trials to detect and prevent duplicate research subjects or professional research subjects from over enrollment in clinical trials.
The Verified Clinical Trials solution to proactively detect duplicate subjects in clinical trials.
Choosing the research subject database registry to detect and prevent professional research subjects is extremely important. Verified Clinical Trials is unique in that the research subject database covers phase I through phase IV and protects most therapeutic indications against dual enrollment in clinical trials and professional research subjects. These issues are detected and prevented at the time of screening, thereby saving all stakeholders time and money. The VCT system is HIPAA and GDPR compliant and even utilized by the NIH.
Preventing protocol violations and deviations
By detecting and preventing professional research subjects and over enrollment in clinical trials as well as many other protocol violations, the Verified Clinical Trials research subject database can prevent a trial from failure or needing to be repeated. There is no other solution like Verified Clinical Trials!