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Duplicate Subjects In Clinical Trials and Decentralized Clinical Trials. Unique Issues With Professional Research Subjects

Interest in decentralized clinical trials has increased and has become quite popular. The adoption of these methods became acutely more appealing and necessary during the pandemic. Many research sites and clinical trial sponsors have adopted decentralized clinical trial methods. But decentralized clinical trials also come with unique challenges. To keep clinical trials safe, compliant, and effective, …

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VCT To Exhibit at World Vaccine Congress

Vaccine clinical trials pose unique challenges with regards to duplicate research subjects or professional subjects. Typically, large numbers of subjects are dosed at the first visit in a vaccine clinical trial. There is no way for a site or principal investigator to adequately check if the research subject is a duplicate or professional subject. Subjects …

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Duplicate Subjects In Clinical Trials and Decentralized Clinical Trials. Unique Issues With Professional Research Subjects

Interest in decentralized clinical trials has increased and has become quite popular. The adoption of these methods became acutely more appealing and necessary during the pandemic. Many research sites and clinical trial sponsors have adopted decentralized clinical trial methods. But decentralized clinical trials also come with unique challenges. To keep clinical trials safe, compliant, and effective, …

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The Professional Research Subject Problem In Clinical Trials

Clinical research patients are compensated for their participation in clinical trials. In some therapeutic areas and types of clinical trials, the compensation for enrolling in one or more clinical trials or at multiple research sites is enough to influence patients to join more than one contemporaneously and expose themselves to multiple investigational products or multiple …

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Duplicate subjects, or what is known as professional research subjects, exist in most clinical trials to varying degrees. CNS clinical trials are especially prone to duplicate subjects or over enrollment in clinical tials. The issue exists from phase 1 healthy volunteer studies to multiple phase 2/3 clinical trials across many therapeutic indications. Use of global …

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Strategies To Proactively Detect And Prevent Professional Research Subjects With Verified Clinical Trials Research Subject Database Registry

Clinical trials around the world face challenges from professional research subjects or dual enrollment in clinical trials. One group of subjects that have high rates of participation in clinical research are subjects who enroll in multiple trials for the purpose of generating income through study payments or using clinical trials as medical care. These subjects …

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Sees Progress in the Understanding

Verified Clinical Trials Sees Progress In The Understanding and Acceptance of Duplicate Subjects In Clinical Trials

We have seen tremendous progress within the clinical trials research industry in understanding the scope of the issue with duplicate subjects in clinical trials  or professional research subjects over the past few years.  Verified Clinical Trials (VCT) provides an easy to implement cost-savings approach to prevent duplicate subjects and other important protocol violations in your …

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Verified Clinical Trials (VCT) is excited to be conducting the First Annual European VCT Congress on 28th November in Munich, Germany

Verified Clinical Trials (VCT) is excited to be conducting the First Annual European VCT Congress on 28th November in Munich, Germany. The meeting will include many of our current and future users of the VCT research subject database registry to prevent duplicate subjects in clinical trials and  as well as other protocol violations. The workshop …

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