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Revolutionary worldwide clinical trials database registry

Developed by experts in the field that understand the issues and requirements to conduct safe and meaningful clinical research.

Created by physicians and clinical trial research professionals with over 50 years experience in the industry

Verified Clinical Trials is a revolutionary worldwide clinical trials database registry to prevent dual enrollment in clinical trials. This research subject clinical trials database was created by physicians and clinical trial research professionals with over 50 years experience in the industry. VCT is dedicated to enhance patient safety and improve data quality. Verified Clinical Trials partners with the most relevant pharmaceutical and device trial sponsors, CROs, as well as with the clinical research site to prevent multiple simultaneous trial enrollment by an individual subject thereby improving the quality of data while reducing study related costs.

Patient Safety & Data Integrity, Cost Savings & Value Added Services

Driven by years of experience and specialized expertise, Verified Clinical Trials maintains the highest standards for clinical research patient safety and data integrity, creating cost savings and value added services to both sponsor and clinical research site while maintaining patient anonymity and confidentiality using GCP guidelines.

Mission Statement

To transform the field of clinical research by providing new tools to properly identify and enroll qualified research subjects and prevent costly and potentially dangerous multiple simultaneous clinical research trial enrollment.

Our goal is to ensure patient safety and improve data integrity in a simple and cost effective manner. At the same time we aim to provide services and data to the clinical research site as well as to the sponsor. We are dedicated to improving patient safety and demanding improved data and accuracy.

Our Values

Verified Clinical Trials is dedicated to promoting the health and welfare of clinical trial participants around the world.
At Verified Clinical Trials we strive to protect the most important part of clinical trials research, the research volunteer.
By preventing dual enrollment, the research participant avoids potential dangerous interactions of combining investigational agents.

We are HIPAA compliant and use the strictest of standards of privacy and confidentiality.