Your clinical trial is not meeting it’s endpoints and upon review, you detect there are duplicate subjects in your study. You and your teams spend several months trying to weed out these duplicate subjects. A new study must be performed. We hear this all the time. It occurs across most therapeutic indications and across the globe. This is where Verified Clinical Trials (VCT), the largest research subject registry will help. VCT is used at the time of screening and detects and prevents duplicate subjects from entering your clinical trials thereby saving sites, CROS, and sponsor time and money. The protections continue throughout the study improving retention as well as safety and data quality.
We often hear that the concern for duplicate subjects in California or duplicate subjects in Florida are the only areas of concern. This is not the case. Our mature data shows that research subjects travel large distances in all phases of clinical trials research. Duplicate subjects is in CNS trials are prominent, but most every indication has issues with duplicate subjects and protocol violations.
Learn more by contacting or call +1.516.998-7499